Entering The Digital Dream

Artists: Weidi Zhang, Andy Thomas, Fabien Bouchard- Parse/Error, Infinite Vibes, Aural Eye, Miguelangelo Rosario, Katona Kati, Klárik Balázs, Vigh Dávid, Zeke Ádám, Zemba Ákos, Miss Virgács, Fekete Máté


The impact of artificial intelligence on digital art: a creative revolution showcased by 14 Hungarian and international digital artists through 11 immersive spaces and captivating interactive artworks.

Entering the Digital Dream…

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has burst into our lives as a transformative force that has reshaped the creative process in many fields, creating new and unprecedented creative possibilities in artistic expression.

AI is breaking down traditional artistic boundaries by transcending the limitations of human imagination. Machine learning algorithms can amalgamate diverse cultural influences, styles, and genres, leading to the creation of hybrid art forms that defy categorisation.

AI will undeniably usher in a new creative era, with tools and possibilities that were previously unimaginable.

The new exhibition explores how AI is influencing art, the impact on our collective consciousness, our visual environment and the exciting prospects of the awakening AI.

AIVOLUTION is a ground-breaking exhibition that explores the creative revolution of AI through the unique and exciting vision of 14 brilliant digital artists.